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The 'Frozen Fever' song makes a 'Let It Go' joke you've made 1,000 times

Ever since we first heard Let It Go, there have been approximately 50 million jokes made riffing off "the cold never bothered me anyway." And now there's one more, courtesy of the people who got Let It Go stuck in our heads in the first place.

ID=23726343(USAToday) - Ever since we first heard Let It Go, there have been approximately 50 million jokes made riffing off "the cold never bothered me anyway." And now there's one more, courtesy of the people who got Let It Go stuck in our heads in the first place.

The new Frozen Fever short features a new original song, Making Today a Perfect Day, and it seems the writers couldn't resist getting in a reference to Let It Go. In the short, Elsa has a cold (making the title of the short so very punny), and when she sneezes in the song, Anna points out that she might be sick. To which Elsa replies, "I don't get colds. Besides … a cold never bothered me anyway." Ha.

Take a listen to the song above and attempt to not have it stuck in your head. We dare you. We double dog dare you.

You can see the Frozen Fever short in front of Cinderella, which hit theaters this weekend

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