If you are looking for things to do with your family this summer, why not take them to the Iroquois Amphitheater for their free summer movies.
It's called "Movies Under the Stars". The movie begin at 8pm. Here's a list of some of their movies:
1.June 13th - Lego Movie
2.June 15th- Jurassic Park
3.June 29th- Back to the Future II
4.July 6th- Muppets Most Wants
5.July 11th- The Amazing Spiderman II
6.July 27th- Close Encounter of the Third Kind
For a complete listing go to Iroquoisamphitheater.com.
I forgot to mention, there will be a concession stand open selling hot dogs, popcorn, ice cream and sodas.
Go out and enjoy the Movies Under the Stars with your friends and family. Iroquois Amphitheater is located at 1080 Amphitheater Road in Iroquois Park.
If you have a story idea, send it to The411@whas11.com. You can also follow me on Twitter @Sherlenemediapr.