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10 things all Southern moms have said

How many of these sayings have you said?

Louisville, Ky. (WHAS11) - Southern moms have a language all their own, and it's as colorful and quirky as they are. Here's a list of the top ten phrases any Southern momma worth her salt has said.

1. "Act like you have some sense."

TRANSLATION: Behave better. If your momma hisses this phrase under her breath, you've made a mistake.

2. "Hush!"

TRANSLATION: Be quiet. Ranging on a scale from gentle to you've-crossed-a-line, a simple "hush" is a go-to for a Southern mom.

3. "Bless your heart."

TRANSLATION: You need a little extra love. The phrase can be used in genuine concern or paired with a sugar-coated insult. You know, so you don't act ugly.*

*Another Southern saying that means being a meanie pants.

4. "I'll wash your mouth out with soap!"

TRANSLATION: There is no translation. When your mom comes at you with a bar of soap in hand, it's because you said something rotten, and you're mouth needs to be cleaned out. Literally.

5. "Don't make me count to three."

TRANSLATION: You have three seconds to get your act together. I don't think a Southern mom has ever reached "three." If she did, there were no survivors.

6. "Heavens to Betsy!"

TRANSLATION: An expression of shock or surprise. While this used to be heard all over the United States, the cutesy phrase has made a home in the South.

7. "Funny as all get-out!"

TRANSLATION: Absolutely hysterical! All get-out is added to an adjective to increase it. Busy as all get-out, hungry as all get-out, silly as all-get out, and so on.

8. "Running around like a chicken without a head!"

TRANSLATION: Acting chaotically. If you're a chicken without a head, you're running around wildly without a plan, accomplishing very little.

9. "Hold your horses!"

TRANSLATION: Wait a minute. When you're antsy and rushing your mom to do something, she'll slow you down by telling you to hold your horses.

10. "Don't go throwing a hissy fit."

TRANSLATION: Calm down. A hissy fit is a sudden outburst, usually by a child. It's usually loud, uncontrolled, and oh-so passionate. Typically, if you're throwing a hissy fit, you're not going to get what you want.

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