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Bardstown girl scout receives Medal of Honor for saving her father's life

11-year-old Ellie Huntt helped save her father's life last year when he was suffering from a stroke.
Credit: Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana
Ellie Huntt with her parents, Jessica and David Huntt.

BARDSTOWN, Ky. — An 11-year-old girl from Bardstown, Ky. received a rare honor recently for her heroic actions last year.

Girl Scouts of the USA and Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana (GSK) honored Ellie Huntt with a "Medal of Honor" for saving her father's life.

The Girl Scout Medal of Honor is given to girls who save a life or attempt to save a life without endangering their own life, according to a GSK news release.

Credit: Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana
Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana CEO Maggie Elder presented Ellie Huntt with a Medal of Honor during a council meeting in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

On Nov. 8, 2023, Ellie was getting ready for school when she noticed her dad, David Huntt, was speaking unusually with words that didn't make sense to her. She said she thought her dad was joking at first, but when he couldn't say her name correctly, she knew something was wrong.

“My dad didn't want me to worry my mom and he told me not to call, but I got the phone and called her anyway to let her know that something was wrong,” Ellie said. “She talked with us [on a video call] until dad dropped me off at school and then she met my dad and took him to the emergency room.”

David was rushed to the hospital where neurologists determined he had experienced a stroke. Doctors said, if not for Ellie's quick-thinking, her dad's stroke could have been much more severe.

“Through Ellie’s willingness to take decisive action in the midst of an emergency, she not only attempted to save a life, but also served as an example for all Girl Scouts,” GSK CEO Maggie Elder said. “I commend her for her quick thinking and heroism on that Wednesday morning in November.” 

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