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Mom fuming as daughter's horrified reaction to Easter bunny goes viral

Cassandra Bryson was in disbelief when she learned that the video had gone viral and millions of people were laughing at her traumatized child's expense.

(INSIDE EDITION) -- A Florida mom is furious after video that showed her 2-year-old daughter's pure terror at the sight of the Easter Bunny was posted online for the entire world to see.

The video shows Surai Bryson reaction as the costumed rabbit made a surprise visit to her day care in Kissimmee, Fla.

Cassandra Bryson was in disbelief when she learned that the video had gone viral and millions of people were laughing at her traumatized child's expense.

"I am appalled," she told Inside Edition. "This is outrageous. It's extremely painful to me to believe that you can watch a child scream in horror and you just zoom on them to continue your personal enjoyment and not step in at some point in time and say, 'I need to settle down the classroom.' That's what you are paid to do at a daycare, to take care of children."

The video was taken eight days ago by a 20-year-old employee of Around the World Learning Center.

Reaction was immediate online after it was posted.

“I'm not sure I’ve ever witnessed such raw, real terror before,” read one comment.

Another viewer wrote: "Hahaha. Poor kid."

The video spread like wildfire, even reaching late night host Jimmy Kimmel, who played it on his show and said, "I think this is the proper way to react when a 7-foot-tall rodent shows up at your school."

But for Surai, the fright has had lasting effects.

“For the last couple of nights she's crying in her sleep," Cassandra Bryson told Inside Edition. "Two nights ago, she woke up screaming. I basically have to keep her with me all day and night."

Bryson points to a form she signed when she placed her daughter into day care that states she had declined permission for the facility to use any images of her child.

She is allowing Inside Edition to use the video because she wants parents to be alert on how social media postings from schools can be embarrassing for kids.

The owner of the day care center has apologized to Cassandra Bryson, but declined to comment when contacted by Inside Edition. Cassandra Bryson has since enrolled her daughter in another day care facility.

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