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ISP searches Jamey Noel's house, looking for $184,000 in fine clothing

Noel allegedly spent nearly $200,000 on formal clothes and tailoring between 2019 and 2023, using credit cards registered to his nonprofit EMS companies.

JEFFERSONVILLE, Ind. — Indiana State Police executed a search warrant at Jamey and Misty Noel's main residence in Jeffersonville on Wednesday. Authorities were looking for fine men's clothing that Noel allegedly bought using money from the fire and EMS companies he formerly ran.

ISP asked a judge to seize "all men's clothing, purchase orders and receipts from Tom James Company." Tom James is a national fine clothing chain for men and women. The company has an office location in Jeffersontown, KY.

According to court documents, ISP believes Noel spent at least $184,000 at Tom James between 2019 and 2023, and charged those purchases to company credit cards. Noel, his wife and daughter have been accused of not declaring that money as income on their taxes, which is illegal.

RELATED: Kasey Noel becomes third member of former southern Indiana sheriff's family to be arrested; facing 9 felonies

WHAS11 watched police carry a handful of suit jackets and suit bags into an unmarked car. That car appeared to be full of navy blue suit bags.

Police also seized a riding lawnmower (which was taken away on a tow truck). Special Judge Larry Medlock has previously approved police to seize Noel's vehicles.

Credit: Travis Breese/WHAS11
A tow truck takes away a riding lawn mower from the residence of Jamey Noel on Wednesday, March 13, in Jeffersonville.

According to the court documents released Wednesday, Jamey Noel purchased suits, shirts, ties, socks, jewelry, shoes and gifts for himself and others on a Utica Township Volunteer Firefighter Association American Express card. Hearon said in the documents he was advised Noel bought a suit and other apparel on Dec. 18 - several weeks after he was arrested and charged -  and was told the items would be delivered to his residence on Wednesday. Noel charged $3,016.46 to the card for the items.

ISP waited at Noel's house Wednesday until the order was delivered and then submitted the search warrant to the judge.

Wednesday's documents also included a more detailed breakdown of charges made by the Noel family to UTVFA credit cards between 2018 and 2022.

Jamey is accused of spending $213,000 on clothing, $75,000 on alcohol and tobacco, $162,000 on education and tuition, and $4,500 on guns, among other items.

Misty is accused of spending $125,000 on beauty, $165,000 on clothing and $132,000 on retail stores.

Kasey is accused of spending $11,000 on food and $29,000 on clothing.

Previous court documents said the family spent about $5 million on UTVFA credit cards.

Police also drove away a white box truck from the house on Wednesday, which may have been full of evidence. Clark County Sheriff's deputies also helped with the execution of the search warrant.

ISP has been investigating Jamey Noel since June. He is facing 25 felony charges. He pleaded not guilty.

His wife, Misty Noel, pleaded not guilty to 10 felony counts. Their daughter, Kasey Noel, became the third member of the family arrested last week. She pleaded not guilty to nine felony charges.

The residence is the same home investigators searched back in August.

Jamey Noel case background

Jamey Noel is facing 25 felony charges, including counts of theft, tax evasion, corrupt business practices, ghost employment and official misconduct. The ISP investigation began in June 2023 following allegations that Noel directed jail staff to work on his personal property and run his personal errands while on county time. 

His wife Misty Noel is facing 10 felonies; five counts of theft and five counts of tax evasion. Both pleaded not guilty.

Kasey Noel is facing nine felonies; five counts of theft and four counts of tax evasion. She pleaded not guilty.

RELATED: Prosecutor has 'concerns' someone is leaking sealed information to Jamey Noel and family

According to previous court documents, Hearon found millions of dollars of personal purchases made by all three on Utica Township Volunteer Firefighter Association credit cards. He also stated they failed to disclose income on their taxes over a five-year span.

Jamey ran UTVFA until January when he was ousted by the board.

The investigation also uncovered Jamey fathered a child with former Clark County Councilwoman Brittney Ferree and paid child support payments with UTVFA funds. 

Jamey Noel's vast automobile collection has been under scrutiny by investigators since the beginning of the investigation.

According to court documents, 133 vehicles are registered to the Utica Township Volunteer Fire Department and New Chapel EMS. A review of those vehicles showed several were "inconsistent" with a not-for-profit fire department and EMS business.

Jamey is accused of orchestrating a vehicle trading and selling scheme where he traded in several cars registered to the UTVFA for vehicles he then registered to himself for personal use. In some cases, he allegedly sold them and pocketed the money.

Court documents released in early March indicated 26 containers of military surplus equipment belonging to the Clark County Sheriff's Office were found on a property in Deputy, Indiana. Hearon alleged Noel sold multiple items belonging to the sheriff's office and sold them for personal gain.

The investigation has also focused recently on Kenneth Hughbanks, a friend and associate of Jamey's. Hearon said Hughbanks failed to report over $200,000 in income on his taxes. He has not been charged.

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