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Jamey Noel, Kasey Noel sued by family members accusing them of stealing from estate

Leon Noel, Jamey's brother, died in 2018. His heirs say Jamey mismanaged his estate and shorted them money.
Credit: WHAS11
Family members of Leon Noel, left, are suing Jamey Noel, right, and his daughter Kasey Noel for mismanaging Leon's estate.

JEFFERSONVILLE, Ind. — Former Clark County Sheriff Jamey Noel and his daughter are being sued by family members who say Jamey stole from an estate he was put in charge of following his brother's death.

The heirs of Leon Noel - Dorian, Taylor and Jack Noel - are named as plaintiffs in a civil lawsuit filed last Friday in Clark County. They are asking a judge to force Jamey to pay them $36,000, plus compensatory damages to be determined at trial.

They are also asking for the return of a 1969 Plymouth Road Runner or to be reimbursed the full value of the car, the transfer of Leon's home to Kasey be declared fraudulent, and a temporary restraining order preventing her from selling the home.

The family previously filed a petition to reopen the estate, but a judge denied the request earlier this month, saying too much time had passed. Judge Donald Mote encouraged them to file a civil suit.

Jamey is facing 31 felony charges and has been under investigation by Indiana State Police since June 2023. Kasey is facing nine felonies. Both pleaded not guilty.

Allegations in the new lawsuit mostly mirror those made in the original petition. 

Leon's children claim Jamey, the executor of the estate, defrauded them a portion of their inheritance.

They say least $52,000 never made its way to Leon's kids. Previous documents released by ISP indicated Jamey sold Leon's house to his daughter, Kasey Noel, and gifted her $36,000 of equity.

ISP also said a check for $25,545.78 was issued to the estate and then deposited into a bank account controlled by Jamey.

Jamey Noel, the former Clark County sheriff, is facing 31 felony charges, including counts of including counts of theft, tax evasion, corrupt business practices, ghost employment, official misconduct and money laundering. His trial is scheduled to begin Nov. 6.

Kasey is facing nine felony charges: five counts of theft and four counts of tax evasion. Her trial was scheduled to start this month, but has been continued. A new date has not been set.

Jamey's wife Misty Noel, who recently filed for divorce, is facing 10 felony charges: five counts of theft and five counts of tax evasion. Her trial is set for Oct. 28.

A large portion of the investigation has focused on Jamey, Misty and Kasey's purchases on Utica Township Volunteer Firefighters Association credit cards. Jamey ran the organization for many years.

Investigators say the family made nearly $4 million in personal charges over a five-year period, including clothing, travel, food and other expenses, without reimbursing the department.

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