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Judge calls out Jamey Noel for his "harem of women," lavish lifestyle allegedly on taxpayers' dime

Noel had his bond raised to $1.5 million Tuesday after being charged six more felonies a day earlier.

JEFFERSONVILLE, Ind. — The "country boy from Washington County" on the bench for the Jamey Noel case hasn't been shy about lecturing the former sheriff, and that trend continued Tuesday.

Noel, the former Clark County sheriff now facing 31 felonies, appeared in court Tuesday, about 24 hours after he was charged with five additional counts of theft and one count of money laundering. Judge Larry Medlock raised Noel's bond to a whopping $1.5 million based on the new charges, but not before admonishing him yet again.

"I'm going to reiterate: I told Mr. Noel not do anything stupid," Judge Medlock said. "Not to deceive me, not to defy me. He would not like the consequences. Doesn't seem like you listened the first time. You were released and I sentenced you to 60 days for contempt. Your behavior since you were released seems to fit into all these categories."

Watch the judge's full comments below

Noel was first charged in November and posted $75,000 bond after pleading not guilty. His bond conditions stated all firearms, minus one shotgun, must be removed from his home.

After Indiana State Police investigators found two handguns in his basement during a search in March, Noel was charged with contempt, and Judge Medlock sentenced him to 60 days in jail. The sentence seemed to be a shot at Noel's appearance on A&E's "60 Days In" television show during his time as sheriff.

RELATED: 'This is what must be done' | Judge raises former Indiana sheriff Jamey Noel's bond to $1.5 million

RELATED: 6 more charges filed against Jamey Noel; former Indiana sheriff now facing 31 felonies

The judge smashed his gavel in demonstrative fashion and the sound echoed throughout the courtroom.

On Tuesday, Judge Medlock again took aim at Noel and the mountain of allegations against him.

"I'm just a country boy from Washington County with a public school education, but when someone warns me not to do something, I try to heed that warning," he said. "With the information filed in the affidavits, it appears you have an airplane, a train that was hidden, a stable of exotic motor vehicles, a harem of women, at least three mansions, $3,000 suits, $800 belts. And you still seem to think a volunteer fire department is your personal piggybank."

Larry Wilder, one of Noel's attorneys, asked Judge Medlock if the new bond amount was $1.5 million total or an increase of $1.5 million. Judge Medlock said it was $1.5 million, and then playfully asked Wilder if he should hold court until he gets the money.

Wilder said his wife might take issue.

Judge Medlock said his decision was necessary for the citizens of Clark County to regain trust in the rule of law. 

Noel's trial is scheduled to begin Nov. 6.


Jamey Noel is facing 31 felony charges, including counts of theft, tax evasion, corrupt business practices, ghost employment, official misconduct and money laundering. The ISP investigation began in June 2023 following allegations that Noel directed jail staff to work on his personal property and run his personal errands while on county time. 

His wife Misty Noel pleaded not guilty to 10 felonies; five counts of theft and five counts of tax evasion.

Daughter Kasey Noel pleaded not guilty to nine felonies; five counts of theft and four counts of tax evasion.

According to previous court documents, Hearon found millions of dollars of personal purchases made by all three on Utica Township Volunteer Firefighter Association credit cards. He also stated they failed to disclose income on their taxes over a five-year span.

Jamey ran UTVFA for many years until January when he was ousted by the board.

In March, investigators uncovered over $100,000 in tuition and education-related payments were made from the cards by Jamey and Misty. Hearon asked a judge for permission to search Indiana University records regarding Josey and Gracy Noel -- Jamey and Misty's other daughters who are currently enrolled at IU campuses.

In April, ISP said the family spent over $300,000 on vacations using fire department funds without reimbursement. Noel was ordered to serve 60 days in jail on April 9 after a judge found him in contempt of court for having firearms in his home in violation of his bond conditions.

The investigation also uncovered Jamey fathered a child with former Clark County Councilwoman Brittney Ferree and made child support payments with UTVFA funds. 

Jamey Noel's vast automobile collection has been under scrutiny by investigators since the beginning of the investigation.

According to court documents, 133 vehicles are registered to the Utica Township Volunteer Fire Department and New Chapel EMS. A review of those vehicles showed several were "inconsistent" with a not-for-profit fire department and EMS business.

Jamey is accused of orchestrating a vehicle trading and selling scheme where he traded in several cars registered to the UTVFA for vehicles he then registered to himself for personal use. In some cases, he allegedly sold them and pocketed the money.

Court documents released in early March indicated 26 containers of military surplus equipment belonging to the Clark County Sheriff's Office were found on a property in Deputy, Indiana. Hearon alleged Noel sold multiple items belonging to the sheriff's office and sold them for personal gain.

The investigation has also focused on former Scott County Sheriff Kenneth Hughbanks, a friend and associate of Jamey's. Hearon said Hughbanks failed to report over $200,000 in income on his taxes. He has not been charged.

In May, Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita filed civil lawsuits against the entire Noel family in an effort to recover $4 million in funds the Noels illegally spent.

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