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JCPS clothing assistance program helps support parents and students in need

Parents and students can fill a 50-gallon bag with gently-used clothes, shoes, coloring books and more.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — As we await the start of a new school year, the JCPS Clothing Assistance Program is open for business. 

The new warehouse off of 15th and Jefferson looks like a department store, but all the items are free.

This is just one of many ways JCPS is trying to help parents and students as they head into the new school year which begins next week on Aug. 8.

"This is just a bonus to help get them ready for the start of a new school year," Justin Willis, CAP coordinator, said. "All year families are able to come here two more times and gather gently used clothes, bonus items, toiletries, and hygiene products."

The warehouse is full of items that are need to kickstart a new school year. There's jewelry, boys clothes, girls clothes, makeup, shoes, coloring books, household items, and yes, all for free. 

These school and household essentials are what helps JCPS parent Sierra Mitchell. Sierra said she knows the challenges that comes with being a single mom. 

"I'm just grateful and blessed to be able to be here and get all the help that we can get because every little bit helps," Mitchell said. 

While everything is free, Willis encourages parents to be mindful of the community need while taking items. Administrators will give you a 50-gallon trash bag upon entering. You can stuff that bag with anything you'd like. 

Willis says some families fill it up to the brim and others barely make a dent in the bag. If you need assistance, you are asked to make an appointment through your student's family resource center coordinator at their school. 

If you're interested in learning more about the clothing assistance program or scheduling an appointment, click here.

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