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Skunk tests positive for rabies in Indiana for first time in 20 years

The infected animal was found in Clark County and is now deceased. Officials urge pet owners to vaccinate their animals.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Editor's note: the above video was first published in December and is regarding a disease found in Kentucky deer.

A skunk recently tested positive for rabies in Indiana for the first time in 20 years.

The Indiana State Board of Animal Health is urging local residents to vaccinate their pets and keep a safe distance from wildlife after the infected skunk was found in Clark County, located in the southern part of the state. Testing is underway to determine the source of the skunk's infection.

The animal is now deceased, according to a BOAH news release.

“Rabies is a very dangerous disease, but it’s completely preventable,” said Dr. Melissa Justice, a veterinarian for BOAH. “The best way to prevent rabies in people and animals is to vaccinate pets.”

Rabies is a deadly viral infection primarily spread in saliva through the bite of an infected animal. The virus is not spread through blood, urine, feces or skunk spray.

Bats are the most common source of rabies in Indiana, however the virus can be found in wild animals like skunks, raccoons and foxes. Unvaccinated pets and livestock can become infected.

Dr. Justice offered the following tips to reduce the risk of rabies exposure:

  • Avoid contact with wild animals.
  • Do not feed or handle wild animals.
  • Secure trash and pet food in animal-proof containers.
  • Cover attic and chimney openings and other entry points in the home.

Animals with rabies typically act strangely and may become aggressive, and try to bite people or other animals. Some infected animals drool more than normal, or "foam at the mouth," but it's not always the case.

Wild animals are generally active at night and avoid contact with humans. Daytime contact is unusual and should be viewed as suspicious.

Indiana law requires all dogs, cats and ferrets 3 months or older to be vaccinated against rabies by a licensed vet. If your pet is bitten by a wild animal, contact your vet and local animal control.

If you or someone in your family is bitten or scratched, attempt to confine or capture the animal if it can be done safely. An unowned biting animal should be tested.

Immediately wash the wound with soap and water, and call your healthcare provider to determine treatment. Rabies is usually fatal in humans if left untreated, but it can be treated with prompt action following a bite.

If you see a wild animal that appears sick, report the case to the Indiana DNR Division of Fish & Wildlife Health Program at this link.


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