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COURT BLOG: Brooks Houck back in Nelson County courtroom, attorneys discuss combining trials

WHAS11's Shay McAlister will be in the courtroom providing updates throughout the hearing, which begins at 9 a.m.

BARDSTOWN, Ky. — Crystal Rogers' ex-boyfriend Brooks Houck is expected back in court Monday morning. 

WHAS11's Shay McAlister will be in the courtroom providing updates throughout the hearing. This story will be updated frequently, so refresh it to learn the latest.

Houck is charged with murder and tampering with physical evidence in Rogers' death. Two other men, Joseph and Steve Lawson, are charged with conspiracy to commit murder and tampering with physical evidence.

Attorneys will argue whether to combine the suspects' trials into one, which Houck's attorneys have objected to.

Court Blog

11:09 a.m.

Judge Simms said a decision on combining trials will come later after he's heard from Joseph Lawson's attorneys during their next hearing.

The hearing has been adjourned. 

11:06 a.m.

"I've heard from Steve Lawson and now Brooks Houck. I believe we have Joey Lawson's [next trial date] set for July 18. Were they going to address this at that date?" Judge Simms questions.

11:04 a.m.

"If they bring in any phone calls made from jail or other statements made, then we have under due process to get into these other [grand jury] statements and that is unduly prejudicial to us and it confuses the issues," Butler argues. "There is no way we can get a fair trial with these other two given what I've shown you."

11:03 a.m.

Butler has returned to the podium. 

11:00 a.m.

Attorneys have approached the bench.

Credit: Shay McAlister, WHAS11 News
Attorneys Teresa Young and Brian Butler talk to Judge Charles Simms. | July 8, 2024

10:59 a.m.

Prosecutors said that comment came outside of grand jury proceedings, as an example of other statements that will be brought into the trial.

10:56 a.m.

Young said Steve Lawson told people he was paid $50,000 to move Crystal Rogers' car.

Credit: Shay McAlister, WHAS11 News
Prosecutor Teresa Young argues against separating the trial for the Lawsons and Houck. | July 8, 2024

10:55 a.m.

"I don't understand the argument that I won't have to show that because it's not coming, it's not coming in," Young argues. "It makes no sense to me why you need a separate trial to defend statements that are coming in against your client, when its not coming in."

Young said during those lengthy smoke breaks, Steve Lawson was in large part time spent with his attorney, Ted Lavit.

10:53 a.m.

Butler has concluded his arguments. Prosecutor Teresa Young is back at the podium. 

"We have no intention of using grand jury testimony against Brooks Houck," she says, calling Butler's argument "clear as mud."

10:51 a.m.

Butler is now moving on to his third point of argument.

"We are talking about 20 hours over days, and then if you add Joey, it's 30 hours, just to demonstrate their interest in bias, just to combat the fact that they are going to use this against Brooks Houck," Butler said. "At the end of the day, due process mandates a separate trial. It shouldn't matter what Steve Lawson or Joseph Lawson does or if they waive their evidentiary privileges." 

10:48 a.m.

"You can't coach more than that. He starts with the government's theory and ends with the government's theory," Butler said. "He only breaks in there to make sure Joey Lawson is going to get it right. It's incredible. I wouldn't believe it if it wasn't on video."

"If there's ever a case that shouldn't be joined, it's this one," he argues.

10:47 a.m.

"The detective says, on a recording, 'whether you killed her or not, would not be our concern,'" Butler said.

10:45 a.m.

"He literally just tells [Joseph Lawson] what to say," Butler argues. "Joey Lawsons asks questions saying, 'what do you need? you need me to say Steve did it? What am I supposed to tell you, that Steve moved the car?"

10:44 a.m.

This clip is body camera video of police talking to Joseph Lawson in June 2023.

Credit: Shay McAlister, WHAS11 News
New bodycam video shows police talking to Joseph Lawson in June 2023. | July 8, 2024

10:43 a.m.

"If the court were to join these cases and Steve Lawson's cases are coming in, how could we not be allowed to play this?" Butler says, before playing another clip.

10:41 a.m.

Butler has shown roughly 40 minutes of KSP police interview footage with Steve Lawson. 

He is now moving on to Joseph Lawson.

10:39 a.m.

"In a joint trial, that stuff directly implicates Brooks Houck," Butler argues. So this decisions shouldn't hinge on Joey and Steve Lawson's decision on their privileges. We are prejudiced by being on trial with these people."

Credit: Shay McAlister, WHAS11 News
Brian Butler argues not to combine Brooks Houck's trial with the Lawsons. | July 8, 2024

10:37 a.m.

"How exactly did I phrase it? I want to get it perfect here," Lawson said in a September interview with KSP. "I'd like to see her gone. I think that's exactly how it was phrased." 

10:35 a.m.

Butler continues playing several minutes of video from the KSP interview in August 2023.

10:29 a.m.

"The problem with this, as the court knows, is that the detectives in their minds have decided what the truth is. The whole time, through all of these interviews they are telling him, 'this is your life, don't screw up your life, go to prison for 20 years, don't screw your life up,'" Butler argues. "Ultimately they'll get him to go where they want to go."

10:28 a.m.

"What happens is in October in 2015, a lady goes to the police department and tells police that Steve Lawson got out of Brooks Houck truck and said [Houck] wanted to 'take care of' a mother with five kids that was hooked on meth," Butler argues, pausing the interview clips. "There has been no evidence anywhere that I've seen that Ms. rogers was on meth, but [police] are using this statement in the interview, feeding him the information."

The video clips then continue. 

"You can't tell me that you remember telling somebody about the conversation, but that you don't remember the conversation," a KSP detective tells Lawson. "So we need the details about this conversation."

"I don't ever remember saying anything about that. I don't know. hat's a fact, Lawson responds.

10:25 a.m.

The court continues watching KSP interviews showing inconsistencies in Lawson's testimony. 

Credit: Shay McAlister, WHAS11 News
Judge Charles Simms closely watches clips of Steve Lawson's previous police interviews that were shown in court. | July 8, 2024

10:19 a.m.

Butler shows more KSP interview footage.

"How could you possibly defend this case without showing that clip? You can see on his face, he doesn't have any idea what they're talking about," he argues. "They know they're not supposed to say that, but my guess is there's so much pressure to solve this case, they think they're doing the right thing."

10:15 a.m.

Butler is moving on to his second point in the argument. 

"In a secret recording with an FBI informant, Steve Lawson said, 'I don't think Brooks Houck had anything to do with it,'" he said.

Credit: Shay McAlister, WHAS11 News
Another slide from Butler's presentation claims Steve Lawson said that Brooks had nothing to do with Rogers' death. | July 8, 2024

10:14 a.m.

"He is making this up. He is genuinely surprised. you can see he's just saying what it takes to get to go home," Butler said.

10:12 a.m.

"This case completely changed when they indicted [Steve Lawson] in December," Butler said.

10:10 a.m.

"There are countless times that Steve Lawsons throughout these interviews says, 'I put myself on your side of the table. I want to be on your team more than you'll ever know. If you helped me out, I'll get it right," Butler argues. "So what this trial becomes, if we do it together, it becomes about hours and hours and hours of Steve Lawson and his inconsistent statements.

10:09 a.m.

In a September interview, there is an hour long break that goes unrecorded.

10:05 a.m.

According to Butler, there were multiple minutes-long smoke breaks during the police interviews. During an August 2023 interview, Butler notes there is a nearly 15-minute smoke break that is unrecorded. 

Credit: Shay McAlister, WHAS11 News
Butler argues there were multiple lengthy smoke breaks that go unrecorded during Steve Lawson's police interviews. | July 8, 2024

10:01 a.m.

Butler alleges police were feeding Steve Lawson information and correcting him when his story doesn't align with theirs.

10:00 a.m.

Butler said in the one interview, Lawson's story about the midnight phone call changed from being about an apartment, to being about a job, to about a car being broken down.

"In between that you'll hear constantly, 'this is about your life,'" Butler argued. "We don't think this call had anything to do with moving Crystal's car."

9:59 a.m.

The court continues to hear portions of Steve Lawson's interview with KSP.

9:49 a.m.

"You call the last man who was with her," A Kentucky State Police detective questions Steve Lawson during the clip. "This is part of your immunity. I don't want to hurt you and I don't want to expose you. But we have to have the truth."

"Honestly, I don't know why Joey told me to call him, I don't know," Lawson responds. 

Butler said Lawson repeatedly asks if that's what police want to hear throughout the interview.

9:47 a.m.

"None of this comes into the trial if he is tried by himself, none of it," Butler argues. "You can see in [Lawson's] face [during the interview] he doesn't know the answers. He is making this stuff up. Over time they are feeding him this stuff, and they catch themselves, knowing they aren't supposed to dot that."

9:46 a.m.

"Over the course of this interview, they're promising him immunity, telling him he can go home from jail that day. They're telling him his son can go home. they've also arrested his wife at the time and are saying she can go home," Butler said.

He claims this was an example of the "coercive interview tactics" used against Steve Lawson.

9:42 a.m.

Butler is preparing to show June 8, 2023 KSP interview to show how this midnight phone call between Houck and Lawson on July 4, 2015 has changed over the years. 

He said it started as a call about apartment and then, somewhere over the years, changed into what it is now.

Credit: Joseph Garcia, WHAS11
Snippets of recordings from Steve Lawson's prior police interviews played in court while discussing whether to drop his charges. | June 13, 2024

9:40 a.m.

"I have never in my 30 years of practicing law had a court find that a witness was untruthful. that's remarkable," Butler said. "We would leave this jury with an incredibly false impression in a joint trial."

He adds that during a joint trial, the defense would have to be able to show how Steve Lawson's statements developed. 

9:38 a.m.

"You found, in that order [denying Lawson's claims of promised immunity], beyond a reasonable doubt that he was untruthful," Butler argues. "This is the most important witness against Brooks Houck. This is the person they spent days, hours and hours, interviewing. Because, and I disagree with this, but in their mind, he's the one that connected dots for them."

RELATED: Crystal Rogers case; judge makes decision on Steve Lawson’s charges

Butler suggests in trial the jury would hear grand jury statements, jail calls made to Steve Lawson's mother and ex-wife that are "incredibly incriminating" to Houck.

9:35 a.m.

The defense argues that the chances of Steve Lawson testifying are slim.

"So then we would be forced, knowing no one could look at those quotes objectively and say they don't incriminate Brooks Houck," Butler argues. "But rather than getting to cross examine Steve Lawson, because if he doesn't testify we don't get t confront him. We are forced to cross-examine police detectives to determine how these statements developed."

Butler said that would be a violation of Houck's Sixth Amendment rights.

Credit: Shay McAlister, WHAS11 News
A slide from Butler's presentation shows Steve Lawson's 2023 grand jury testimony story of what happened to Crystal Rogers. | July 8, 2024

9:33 a.m.

"While there is a preference for a joint trail, in this case, there can't be a fair trial as a joint trial," Butler said. 

He said if there is a joint trial and a conviction is reached, he believes everyone will be back in the Nelson County courtroom in two years when an appeal is won.

9:30 a.m.

Butler brings up Lawson's grand jury testimony story of what happened again.

"Steve and Joey were with [another person] on a drywall job when [another person] asked them to move Crystal's car," Butler reiterates. "There's no way that doesn't implicate him. It can't be done."

9:29 a.m.

A snippet of Houck's July 2015 police interview is played in court. 

You can watch that full interview below:

9:28 a.m.

"[Another person] told Steve while they were talking in his work truck that [Houck] wanted Crystal gone," Butler said. That statement comes from Lawson's grand jury testimony, he said.

9:25 a.m.

"There's really no way to excise Brooks' name from Steve Lawson's statement, without implicating Brooks," he adds. "In this case, there's no way that doesn't incriminate Brooks Houck."

Credit: Alyssa Newton, WHAS11 News
Three men charged in Crystal Rogers' death appear in court on Feb. 8, 2024. (From left to right: Joseph Lawson, Brooks Houck, Steven Lawson.)

9:23 a.m.

"If we had a joint trial, and Steve Lawsons is present during that joint trial and his statements are protected, yet we are getting into those statements, to show this bias by law enforcement to [a] 'get Brooks' mentality," he said. "It would be impossible for a jury to follow, to listen to all of these statements and then do this mental gymnastics [to review what evidence can and can't be used against Houck]."

Butler said there's more than 20 hours of interviews with Steve Lawson since 2020.

9:19 a.m.

Butler said Steve Lawson's testimony has drastically changed over time. "I think this court has used the term, 'widely inconsistent,'" he said. 

"Steve Lawson and Joseph Lawson were working with Brooks on a drywall job, when they were asked to move Crystal's car [according to Steve Lawson's 2023 grand jury testimony]," Butler begins. "Brooks promised Steve all future drywall jobs, in exchange for moving Ms. Rogers' car [Lawson said in that testimony]."

9:17 a.m.

Butler said if Steve Lawson doesn't testify, the defense loses its right to cross examine.

Credit: Shay McAlister, WHAS11 News
Brian Butler, Brooks Houck's attorney, argues against combining the trials in Crystal Rogers case. | July 8, 2024

9:15 a.m.

"Our defense is Mr. Houck did not commit this crime and Steve Lawson is lying," Butler argues. "He has to be afforded a meaningful opportunity to present a defense."

9:13 a.m.

Brian Butler begins his argument saying the court has "three parts to look at when making this decision."

"Teresa's right, there is a preference for a joint trial," he said. "But every defendant in Kentucky has an absolute right to demand a separate trial."

9:10 a.m.

"I don't think it would be necessary at all to bring up Steve Lawson's statements about Brooks Houck," Teresa Young concludes. Houck's attorneys are now approaching the bench.

9:07 a.m.

"They've argued that [Steve Lawson's testimony] are a product of coercion, and that his grand jury testimony is a product of coercion. Steve Lawson himself hasn't argued that," Young said. "I don't know how they have standings to argue that."

9:05 a.m.

"There is obviously some form of collaboration going on [among the three suspects]," Young argues. She said the cases all have same facts surrounding how Rogers' was killed. 

9:03 a.m.

Prosecutor Teresa Young argues that joint trials favor consistent testimony and preserve government resources while avoiding traumatizing the victim's families any further.

9:01 a.m.

Prosecutor does not plan to submit any evidence this morning, only arguments. Houck's attorney, Brian Butler said the defense won't be calling witnesses, but will use grand jury testimony from September regarding Steve Lawson.

9:00 a.m.

Judge Charles Simms has arrived. 

The prosecution met with the Ballard family prior to court. Brooks' family is seated behind him.

Credit: Shay McAlister, WHAS11 News
Brooks Houck sits in a Nelson County courtroom. | July 8, 2024

8:54 a.m.

Brooks Houck is seated in the courtroom with his attorneys. Monday's hearing is expected to go over Special Prosecutor Shane Young's motion to combine the trials for all three men charged in Rogers' death. 

What to Expect

Attorneys will discuss a motion to combine the trial for Houck and the two other men charged in the Bardstown mother's 2015 disappearance.

Houck is charged with murder and tampering with physical evidence.

Prosecutors claim father-and-son duo Joseph and Steve Lawson were working for Houck around the time Rogers' disappeared. Both men are charged with conspiracy to commit murder and tampering with physical evidence. 

Credit: Alyssa Newton, WHAS11 News
Three men charged in Crystal Rogers' death appear in court on Feb. 8, 2024. (From left to right: Joseph Lawson, Brooks Houck, Steven Lawson.)

Special Prosecutor Shane Young has filed a motion to try all three men in one trial, claiming they worked together to kill Rogers and cover up her death.

Brian Butler, Houck's defense attorney, has objected to the motion to combine the trials. 

Read the full 40-page motion to object here:

Can't access the PDF embed above on mobile? Click here to read the full document.

Butler argues if the trial is combined, the jury will not see the “unsavory tactics law enforcement employed during their interviews of the Lawsons that ultimately resulted in false confessions.”

The hearing on Monday is expected to start at 9 a.m.

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