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'We need to speak up against all oppression': Louisville stands in solidarity with Israel

Hundreds, including faith leaders, gathered at the Jewish Community Center to stand in solidarity following the terrorist attacks in Israel.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Hundreds of Louisvillians, community and faith leaders are standing in solidarity with Israel after declaring war against Hamas.

“If we don’t fight Hamas, if we don’t fight for our homeland, there will be nobody fighting for us,” Arial Kronemberg said.

This is personal for him since he grew up in Israel.

Kronemberg has family members in Israel who are safe and a brother-in-law who serves as an Israeli police officer.

“This is the hat that he gave me and I’m wearing it proudly for the Israeli police,” he said.

Like Kronemberg’s family, many have heard the sirens and the rockets launched close to their homes.

"Nearly 5000 rockets launched 260 young adults at a music festival murdered," Sara Klein Wagner, president and CEO at Jewish Federation of Louisville, said.

Now in Louisville, a time of mourning and prayer for the lives lost and those fighting for survival during this difficult time.

Mayor Craig Greenberg was among many spreading hope as a Jewish-American.

"Support Israel during this crisis, you call out antisemitism when you see it or experience it," he said to the crowd.

The message was felt by so many.

"It just breaks my heart, and he was right, we need to speak up against all oppression," resident Maureen Hilsenrad said.

The Louisville connection is strong for Israel.

Faith leaders from every background all standing in prayer, praying for peace to prevail.

► Contact reporter/anchor Taylor Woods at twoods1@whas11.com on Instagram or Twitter.

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