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Kentucky governor: Anyone at mass gatherings this weekend must quarantine

Beshear said anyone gathering this weekend, including those at in-person church services, will be required to quarantine for 14 days.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear said the state will require people who participate in mass gatherings this weekend to quarantine for 14 days.

In his Friday press briefing, Beshear said the state will record the license plates of any people at a mass gathering, including in-person church services this weekend, and give the information to local health departments, who will order people to quarantine for 14 days.

"Even on a weekend like this, we cannot have any in-person gatherings of any type," Beshear said.

Beshear said there are about seven churches in Kentucky who will not comply with the recommendations to not host in-person services.

"We absolutely cannot bring people together in one building like that, because that is how the coronavirus spreads, and that is how people die," Beshear said. "Understand that this is the only way that we can ensure that you're decision doesn't kill somebody else."

Beshear said that while people may believe it is their choice to go somewhere and possibly contract the virus, it is not the choice of the person they may come into contact with at work or a grocery store.

"If you're gonna expose yourself to this virus, and you make that decision to do it, it's not fair to everybody else out there that you might spread it to," Beshear said. "We shouldn't have to do this. What we're asking you to do is not to harm other people."

Churches that are currently planning on hosting in-person services will get a notice that says they must quarantine for the next 14 days.

The governor did not clarify how the state will verify which people were correctly identified as being at the mass gathering. He also said the quarantine does not apply to drive-in services complying with CDC guidelines.

Beshear did clarify that the quarantine is not only for church services, but any mass gathering this weekend.

In his Friday briefing, Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer said he recommends no gatherings for Easter this year, saying people should not gather in homes, public spaces or houses of worship.

“It hurts me to say again that, in order to save lives, we must not gather for Easter this year," Fischer said. "Not in groups in our homes. Not in public spaces. And we can’t gather in our houses of worship, either.”

Fischer said the local agency will be involved as well.

"Metro police department will be there on Sunday handing out information detailing the health risks involved and I've asked LMPD to also record license plates of all vehicles in attendance," Fischer said.

While Fischer has previously recommended against drive-in services, Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron said drive-in services should be accepted as long as they follow CDC guidelines.

RELATED: Kentucky AG: Churches can have drive-in services if they comply with CDC recommendations

RELATED: Telling churches to cancel in-person services is not a violation of the First Amendment, expert says

RELATED: Passover, Good Friday and Easter: How to celebrate virtually during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic

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