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Kentucky House passes bill requiring police pursuit policies

The bill passed 84-8. It now goes to the Senate.

Note: Attached video is from December.

The Kentucky House has passed a bill requiring law enforcement agencies to develop pursuit policies. 

The bill is known as "Jill's Law" in honor of Jill Hurst. She died last year after the car she was in was struck by a suspect being pursued by police in Anderson County. 

The bill passed 84-8 Wednesday. It now goes to the Senate. 

It would require all of Kentucky's law enforcement agencies to develop a vehicle pursuit policy, and it would set training requirements for officers before being allowed to be involved in a pursuit.

RELATED: LMPD extends stolen car pursuit policy

In December Louisville Metro Police Chief Steve Conrad announced an extension to his special order allowing for pursuits of verified stolen cars, due to promising early results in decreasing some violent crime.

“In 2019, we saw a disturbing pattern of stolen vehicles being used to commit violent crimes in our community,” said Chief Conrad. “That’s why I modified our pursuit policy to allow officers, with specific guidelines, to pursue known stolen vehicles – and we saw a reduction in some violent crimes, including homicides. Due to these early results, I’m extending the order for another six-month period to conduct further study.”

Read the full copy of the policy here.

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