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Kentucky mission group now in US after delays due to violent riots in Haiti

The Ballardsville Baptist Church mission group is currently in the US.
Credit: via Ballardsville Baptist Church

BALLARDSVILLE, Ky. (WHAS11) – A mission group with ties to Kentucky are headed back home after they were stuck in Haiti due to violent riots.

The Ballardsville Baptist Church mission group is currently in the US. They caught a flight from Haiti to Florida on Sunday night and are now driving back to Louisville, according to Ballardsville Baptist Church mission leader Neal Green.

The 11- member mission group, consisting of nine adults and two teens, had been in Haiti to build houses and work in orphanages.

Before the group got a flight on Sunday night, they had tried to catch two other flights but they were canceled due to the riots being close to the airport.

Green said the group saw fires from the rioting on their way to the airport and were even covered in soot by the time they reached the airport.

“Even though we ended up with lots of soot on us by the time we reached the airport, by those fires that we passed, the path was clear. But that wasn’t that wasn’t exactly the case for everyone the rest of the day," Green said.

Green said the group used social media to stay in contact with family and friends back home during the situation.

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