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LMPD uses new virtual, high pressure training tool to help with de-escalation techniques

VirTra immerses officers into a 270-degree environment where officers are forced to respond and attempt to de-escalate various situations.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — It’s a simulator that provides police officers with high-pressure training, in hopes of teaching officers their firearm is not their only option.

VirTra immerses officers into a 270-degree environment where they are forced to respond and attempt to de-escalate various situations.

During the simulation, officers are given every option available to them that they would have while on patrol – a Glock 19, a taser and pepper spray. The most important tool is their communication skills.

"If you don't go into the simulator communicating with it, bad things are going to happen," Sgt. Justin Witt said.

Witt gave members of the media a crash course into what VirTra is and why Louisville Metro Police believes it is beneficial for the department.

“It gives us the opportunity to be highly critical. ‘Hey listen, I understand why you did the things.' But then you are able to retrain them to what policy says and what best practices point us towards,” he said.

Between February and November of 2019, more than 1,200 LMPD officers were trained in ICAT: Integrating Communications, Assessment, and Tactics.

ICAT is de-escalation training that included officers using the simulator.

A study done on LMPD during the time of the training found a 28% percent drop in the use of force, a 26% drop in citizen injury, and a 36% reduction in officer injuries.

Right now, simulation training is not available to every officer. Witt said COVID has hindered LMPD's availability to offer it to everyone.



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