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'Our whole house just shook'; Home destroyed in Lyndon after large tree topples over

Jeremy Kirkham has lived through ice storms, the remnants of hurricanes, and countless severe thunderstorms, but last night's storm was one he won't forget.

LYNDON, Ky. — Sunday evening a string of strong storms wreaked havoc in areas of Louisville, with the Lyndon neighborhood receiving the brunt of heavy winds.

As the sun rose Monday morning, residents were able to come outside and take a first look at the damage left behind.

“We’re all lucky and blessed to be alive right now,” Jeremy Kirkham said. He’s lived on Herr Lane in Lyndon for the last 18 years.

He said that he’s lived through ice storms, the remnants of hurricanes, and countless severe thunderstorms, but last night was one he won’t forget.

“Sirens came on for the alert, they were just a few blocks away. Then they went off so we thought we were in the clear. We knew that another storm was coming through, okay, so we just hunkered down in the basement just in case. And then, seemingly out of nowhere, the building just shook. Our whole house just shook,” he said.

Once the winds died down and the danger had passed, Kirkham went outside to investigate what kind of damage his home had sustained.

He said that he expected his roof to have significant damage, but for the most part, his property was untouched.

“Saw some tree damage out front and thought, you know, hopefully, that’s the end of it and then I noticed that our neighbor's house had just been totally damaged if not completely trashed,” Kirkham said.

That neighbor had a tree fall across their home; blocking off both entrances and caving in sections of the roof.

Kirkham says he went to check on those neighbors and they were able to make it out safely.

As of now, there have been no reports of serious injuries or deaths related to these storms.

Kirkham says that he had power returned to his home around 8 a.m. Monday after running off of auxiliary power through the night.

Check the latest on power outages across Kentuckiana here.

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