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Beshear: Support Kentucky businesses that continue to require masks

'You don't go through something like this and just everybody immediately feel okay about where they are.'

FRANKFORT, Ky. — While Kentucky's mask mandate is ending, Gov. Andy Beshear said he will support businesses who continue requiring masks.

Beshear signed an executive order Friday ending the state's mask mandate and capacity restrictions, saying more than 2.1 million Kentuckians have received at least the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

"COVID-19 remains deadly. Our war against it is not yet won. But after more than 15 months of struggle and sacrifice, we can also say this: While COVID-19 remains a threat, we are no longer in crisis," Beshear said.

Still, the governor said he will support any business that wants to continue the requirement and asked that Kentuckians continue to support each business' decision.

"You don't go through something like this and just everybody immediately feel okay about where they are," Beshear said.

Beshear said if businesses still feel their employees might be at-risk, they should continue requiring masks and encouraging all employees to get vaccinated.

Some Louisville businesses, like Minnie's Pizza and Paint Shop, said they will allow maskless patrons — but said they will put up a sign encouraging people who wants to wear a mask to continue to do so.

"We are adding a sign on the door," the owner said. "If you prefer please wear your mask. If it makes you feel comfortable to ask us to wear a mask we will wear a mask."

While the mandate eliminates the need for masks in most public places, the CDC still requires masks in high-risk settings like public transit, long-term care and health facilities.

RELATED: Kentucky's high court reviews case testing executive powers

RELATED: 'While COVID-19 remains a threat, we are no longer in crisis' | Gov. Beshear holds final COVID-19 briefing

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