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Seneca High School students host voter registration event to 'create conscious citizens'

Organized by Hispanic Students United, dozens of students in the next generation registered to make their voices heard.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The League of Women Voters Louisville local registered dozens of future voters at Seneca High School on Wednesday. 

Gracie Coleman turns 18 soon, just in time for the 2024 presidential election. 

"I like to see myself grow up and have these responsibilities of an adult. You know, the same thing as my parents. I'm proud of myself," Coleman said. 

Hispanic Students United organized the registration event. Members gave presentations on civil unrest in Venezuela following the most recent fraudulent election there. Others shared their experiences under a Cuban dictatorship.

"What was important to me, as a teacher, was for my 'Justice Now' class to see how they could move community action," Heysha Díaz Meléndez said.

She had her students plan the event and brought in guests who previously ran for office to pull back the curtain on the process. 

"We want to create conscious citizens," she explained. 

Adrianna Aredondo is one of her students voting this November and is considering the cost of college and how candidates treat the Latino community. 

"Also housing," Aredondo added. "Because after high school, I'm gonna move out and find my own place to leave." 

She thought it was easy to register —doing so before the event — and encouraged her classmates to do the same. 

"Even if it feels like a small percentage in a majority of people, it's still progressive," she said. 

Progress made possible by showing up to the polls. 

The registration deadline for the 2024 General Election is Oct. 7.

Click this link to register in Kentucky and this one for Indiana.

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