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Kentucky task force recommends moving child support enforcement

The task force said Wednesday in a statement that the cabinet doesn’t have adequate controls and oversights to ensure unpaid child support is collected.
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FRANKFORT, Ky. — A Kentucky task force says the state's child support enforcement program should be moved from the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to the Office of the Attorney General.

The cabinet doesn't have adequate controls and oversights to ensure unpaid child support is collected, the task force said Wednesday in a statement that announced its findings and recommendations after being tasked to asses the agency. It said there's $1.4 billion in outstanding child support.

Other recommendations include separating the offices of the ombudsman and inspector general from the Office of the Secretary to ensure independence; as well as simplifying the hiring process and the administration of Medicaid programs. The panel also recommended continuing to assess the cabinet, which has 93 agencies and 6,618 employees, the statement said.

Findings and recommendations were submitted to the Legislative Research Commission for consideration.

“Improving the operations of the state’s largest executive agency will improve services for the people reliant on them and will ultimately lead to cost savings for the Kentucky taxpayer," said Republican Sen. Steve Meredith of Leitchfield who co-chaired the panel with Republican House Speaker Pro Tempore David Meade of Stanford.

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