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Resources for Kentuckiana veterans with PTSD during Independence Day

What may seem like a harmless firework show, can instantly bring veterans back into combat.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The sights and sounds of Independence Day can be triggering for some of America's heroes.

"It can create a lot of fear, anxiety, a lot of hypervigilance, and really re-experiencing the trauma," Veterans Club Founder Jeremy Harrell said. 

Harrell says what may seem like a harmless firework show, can instantly bring veterans back into combat, especially if they have post-traumatic stress.   

To help stay at ease, he suggests using earphones to cancel out the noise or spend the holiday with someone comfortable. 

"That way they can remind you that 'Hey, this is a celebratory occasion. It's fireworks, it's not bombs, It's not someone trying to hurt you,'" Harrell said. 

But if your anxiety becomes unbearable, there's always help. Harrell says you can contact a mental health provider or the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988. 

Veterans can also visit a nearby emergency room, which will be covered by Veterans Affairs. 

As for everyone else, Harrell says you have a part to play in this too. 

"Go out and have fun and celebrate. It's why we did it. It's why we signed up," he said. "But at the same time, kind of be considerate and know that hey, July 5th isn't the same as July 4th. And just be considerate to everyone around them."

For more information and resources, contact the Veterans Club here.

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