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North Carolina grandchildren save grandfather's life after calling 911

Hunter and Emma Hall jumped into action after their grandfather suffered a medical emergency.

ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, N.C. — A grandfather in Rockingham County is alive today, all thanks to his grandchildren. 

Steve Hall was taking care of 13-year-old Hunter Hall and 11-year-old Emma Hall last month. 

Hall said he went upstairs to check on his grandson, who was doing summer homework. He turned around to walk back down the stairs when his heart stopped. That's when Hall fell down the entire flight of stairs, hitting his elbow on the wall as well as his head, causing him to bleed. 

Steve Hall said, "I don’t understand why I survived."

The grandchildren immediately jumped into action, calling 911 and working hard to stop the bleeding.  

"I got a towel and took it. She [the 911 operator] told me to put pressure on his head where he was bleeding," Hunter Hall explained as the operators told her how to help over the phone. 

His sister, Emma Hall, did everything her brother told her to do in order to help. 

"I was glad that my brother was there because if I was if it was just me there I would've been freaking out," Emma Hall said. 

Emergency responders were able to get to the home and take Hall to the hospital.

Steve Hall explained what doctors told him. 

"He thinks the fall actually saved my life. I died, and he thinks when I fell down the steps, the banging of going down the steps actually started my heart back," he said.

The Hall family said they hope others can learn from this experience and teach their children about 911 and make sure they know their home addresses.

Steve Hall said there is a long family history of heart problems. 

Thankfully, Steve Hall told WFMY News 2 that doctors put in a defibrillator and heart monitor as a precautionary measure.

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