LOUISVILLE, Ky. — We've seen images of homes reduced to foundation, belongings strewn everywhere.
"The wall fell in on them as the roof went off the house, the whole top of the house went off," Steven Jackson said.
The main priority for Jackson was making sure his son, daughter-in-law and grandchild were safe.
They were at the family's lake house in Cambridge Shores on Kentucky Lake in Marshall County.
"They're fine, they're banged up a little bit. But I'm just saying, this is material, this is replaceable," Jackson said.
Some irreplaceable items were carried with the wind, pictures falling on lawns, in driveways, over 150 miles away. "It just brings back memories," Jackson said, after someone found a picture of him years ago overhauling a car.
It was discovered in a Louisville yard. One of many photographs now in the Metro.
Danny Smith found a wedding photo raking leaves in his Shawnee neighborhood yard. "That's their married picture, that's the picture they said I do on," he said.

If you recognize the couple in this photo, you can text 502-780-0592.
Now there's a Facebook group where you can contribute found photos and help connect families with their memories. You can view it by clicking here.
RELATED: Kentucky man finds photos that traveled 100 miles in Kentucky tornado; Wants to get them to owner
"I was just taking the trash out yesterday morning and looked down in my driveway and there was this cute photo, 5x7 photo of a little boy smiling away," Beth Schulz, who posted the picture on the Facebook group Quad State Tornado Found Items, said.
"Within minutes, one of the family members reached out to me," Shulz said. Not only is Schulz returning the photo, but also putting together items to help the family that lost so much.
"I'm sure I'm not the only one who received a photo and found a photo and feels an immediate connection to that family," Shulz said. A connection because she had also been affected by a tornado, the one in Henryville in 2012.
Bringing back memories of storms past and how important it is to return any picture, no matter how frayed from it's journey. "We're meant to do something for this family, so we will," Shulz said.
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