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Pre-filed bill would prohibit Ky. businesses, schools from asking about vaccination status

If the bill is passed, businesses and schools wouldn't be able to require people to say whether or not they've received a specific vaccine.

FRANKFORT, Ky. — A Kentucky state lawmaker has pre-filed a bill related to sharing your vaccination status and vaccine requirements.

BR 106, filed by State Rep. Savannah Maddox, would make it illegal for schools and businesses to require people to disclose their vaccination status. The bill also proposes making it illegal for private or state businesses to make an employee get any specific vaccine if the person chooses not to for religious or moral beliefs.

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The bill would not prevent businesses from having screenings or other "control protocols" to protect public health.

BR 106 would also ban any government agency or nonprofit from requiring vaccination passports or any similar identification documents. Rep. Maddox is a co-sponsor of another bill, BR 65, which suggests similar legislation related to vaccine passports.

The bill will not be up for debate until the 2022 legislative session. The full text of BR 106 can be read on the Kentucky General Assembly website.

Over the weekend, a federal court ruled that employers can require employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19. That ruling is likely to be appealed.


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