LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Editors Note: The lead image is a stock photo of a meteor shower and does not depict the Tua Herculid meteors.
Star Gazers... look up!
Monday night through Tuesday morning, a potential meteor shower could cross the skies.
Astronomers have been forecasting a potential NEW meteor shower with up to a thousand meteors per hour after a comet started to break apart in the 90s.
Viewing conditions will be perfect for watching shooting stars, with clear skies and a new moon, which means no moonlight will wash out the faint meteors.
Studies done by teams of meteor experts suggest the peak of the shower will come around 1 a.m. on Tuesday, May 31.
However, NASA says it will be an "all or nothing" event, meaning there will either be an impressive meteor shower or not a shooting star in the sky.
It will depend on how fast debris traveled off the comet.
NASA says the speed needs to be more than 220 miles per hour for us to see the meteor shower. If it's slower, we may not see anything
If the forecast holds true, astronomers say the meteors will slowly burn in the earth's atmosphere at 10 miles per second, which causes them to be fainter.
Experts suggest finding a dark place to watch the potential meteor shower and make sure you give yourself time to get adjusted to the dark before the show begins.