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Chappell Roan left signed copies of her album for Louisville fans after headlining pride festival

Chappell Roan left a few surprises for fans after her huge performance at the Kentuckiana Pride Festival earlier this month.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Rising singer Chappell Roan left a few surprises for fans after her massive performance in Louisville earlier this month.

Guestroom Records, located at 1806 Frankfort Avenue, said Roan signed copies of her debut album "The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess" after headlining the 2024 Kentuckiana Pride Festival nearly two weeks ago.

Fans waited outside the record store for hours Friday morning hoping to snag a signed copy of the album on vinyl or CD when the store opened at 11:30 a.m. 

Ashley Brumback knew she would likely be the first person in line after reading the store's post on social media Thursday.

"I kind of tend to over plan, so I thought there was a good chance," she said, adding that she arrived just before 6 a.m.

Credit: Jessica Farley, WHAS11 News
Ashley Brumback was first in line to get a signed copy of Chappell Roan's album. | June 28, 2024

Brumback said the people who showed up to purchase the album seemed to mostly be fans. She said everyone was kind and helpful while they waited outside the record shop.

"Everybody's being nice and holding each other's place in line while we run to get coffee or something," she said. "[Chappell's fans] are the kindest, most positive people. They're just little rays of sunshine to be around, I love it." 

Check out the long line, which wrapped around the building and down the alley!

Roan's album sold for its regular price, plus an additional $5 for charity, according to Guestroom Records.

"In honor of the 55th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, $5 of every sale will be donated to the ACLU's Drag Defense Fund," the store wrote on social media. "We'll be taking donations all weekend."

The album, which released last September, features many of Roan's hit songs including "HOT TO GO!", "Femininomenon", and "Red Wine Supernova".  

Kentuckiana Pride Festival officials said more than 45,000 people attended this year's pride festival and parade.

Brumback also attended Roan's performance, saying she waited nine hours in the heat to see her favorite artist perform.

"I was like when else am I going to be able to see Chappell Roan for $10? It was beautiful, amazing, I cried," she said.

Guestroom Records sold out of all signed and unsigned copies of Roan's album on Friday within an hour of opening. the store said more unsigned copies would arrive sometime next week.

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